What type of articles to be posted in BLOG?

It doesn’t matter whether you are just beginning your first blog or are an expert blogger, there will come an occasion when you are observing down writer’s chunk. It could be since its Friday daylight and your brain has previously initiated the weekend, or, it could be that you can’t shape what you should write about.

Article types to change up your blogging


Everyone are fascinated a list. They are simple to scan, have edible information and they are fabulously admired for social media sharing.

You can make lists on approximately any subject. It could be your favorite books or else a catalog of your top bloggers to follow.

Written tutorials and how to’s

Tutorials plus how-to guides are a huge method to engage your audience and edify them in a single blog post. Plus, they are simple to work on too since you are previously recognizable with the topic.

The key thing to remember when writing how-to guides is to smash things down into small actionable steps. This makes it simpler for readers to pursue your instructions. Including step-by-step screenshots further aids in this, particularly for visual learners.

Marketing bloggers can write about tutorials on how to utilize diverse social media platforms. Beauty bloggers can direct their readers through makeup requests. It all relies on your target audience and what they want to read.

Video tutorials

If writing complete guides on a theme seems too intimidating for you, you can always create a video tutorial instead. Video is immensely admired – sometimes more admired than the written word, so utilizing it in your blog makes a lot of sense.

Your preferences for video tutorials include:

  • Writing yourself explaining things
  • Writing a cast of you performing the tutorial steps
  • Writing a cast explaining as you go through the steps

When posting your lesson to your blog, you can moreover congregation the video straight on your website by uploading it. Or, you could upload it to a video hosting site such as YouTube or else Vimeo plus implant it in a blog post on your website.


A checklist is one of the easiest types of content you can circulate. We have all written a check-list or else to-do list before and they work because they are short, simple to digest plus permit the potential to cross items off as you accomplish them.

Translating this into a blog post is the similar thing. Merely post your checklist with some sustaining information.

For example gardening bloggers could place a checklist for planting in the spring or else getting your garden prepared for winter. On the other hand, interior bloggers can make a spring sanitizing checklist.

Industry news

What do you do when you get up in the sunrise? You will probablygrasp a tea or else coffee and peruse the latest news. This is a custom you could embrace in your daily blogging activities too. Why not combseveral news sources for the newest in your blogging function or industry. Put mutually some of the best pieces into a blog post and add your own analysis and commentary alongside it.