Why my sitemap pages not showing in checkseo tool

Sitemap an XML file includes listed URLs of the related website, these sitemap works as a pilot to the Google while crawling and indexing the website. It is the fastest way to index your website in search engines though it is not mandatory to enter all URLs of your website, unnecessary URLs on the website can not be entered in XML. Our tool is providing you a complete report of sitemap URL on your website, if you are facing an issue towards a sitemap URL you need to check certain points in your tool. Firstly if checkseo tool is not viewing any sitemap URLs,

check your domain URL is entered correctly-if not update your URL by edit button. Another issue is if your Website (or) Domain doesn’t contain any sitemap XML file, our tool will be unsure display sitemap based URL’s in the tool. These two significant issues will effect your On-Page SEO score. For further more detailed information check into the blog page in checkseo tool.